Monday 20 April 2015

Master Health Checkup in Chennai

           ·         Haemogram
           ·         Grouping & Rh typing
           ·         Plasma Glucose ( Fasting & P.P )
           ·         Urea
           ·         Creation
           ·         Total Cholesterol
           ·         Triglycerides
·         HDL Cholesterol
·         LDL Cholesterol
·         CHOL / VLDL Ratio
·         Uric Acid
·         Bilirubin
·         SGOT
·         SGPT
·         Alkaline Phosphatase
·         Gamma GT
·         Total Protein
·         Albumin
·         Globulin
·         HBsAg
·         VDRL
·         Urine Examination
·         Stool Examination
·         ECG
·         X-Ray ( CHEST PA ) Digital

1 comment:

  1. Wow...Interesting Blog. Regular Health Checkups really help to find the health problems before they start. Thanks for sharing wonderful information. We are also providing Health packages in Hyderabad. To get more details please click below link.
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